The Ann & Phelim Scoop
LISTEN: OCTOBER 7 Play comes to colleges

LISTEN: OCTOBER 7 Play comes to colleges

OCTOBER 7 - The Play is beginning its tour of elite universities! We’re proud to announce that our first stop is at Princeton University on September 24.

On today’s episode, we’re talking to Jeff Gurner, who’s directing the Princeton performance. He was a member of the original cast in New York where he gave a very powerful performance playing Zaki, a religious Jew who broke Shabbat to rescue hundreds of young people from the Nova music festival. You won’t want to miss this interview.

There will also be a stage reading at UCLA on the one year anniversary of the attack. We’ve already received hate from the tolerant left for our “propaganda,” so stay tuned to watch us read mean tweets.

California craziness continues in Sacramento where the city solved its homeless crisis! That was, until a complete breakdown between the city government, a nonprofit, and the homeless themselves destroyed it.

Reserve tickets to the UCLA performance here:

Reserve tickets to the Princeton performance here: CHECK BACK SOON

Donate to support the campus tour of OCTOBER 7 here:

Or write checks to: Unreported Story Society 578 Washington Boulevard #802 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Hear actress Julianna Margulies’ remarks on The Back Room With Andy Ostroy:

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The Ann & Phelim Scoop
Telling the stories that the media ignores! A podcast hosted by Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer, the conservative filmmakers behind the Gosnell movie, Fracknation, The Harvey Weinstein Trial: Unfiltered, and FBI Lovebirds.
Tune in for our daily podcast, The Daily Virus which gives you the updates the media ignores on COVID-19. On Wednesdays we release the Ann & Phelim Scoop (also available on YouTube) with guests like Dennis Prager, Eric Metaxas, Mollie Hemingway, and more!
Project of the Unreported Story Society 501c(3).