The Ann & Phelim Scoop
Have Progressives Infiltrated Your Church? With Megan Basham

Have Progressives Infiltrated Your Church? With Megan Basham

This episode of the Ann and Phelim Scoop is packed. We’re discussing our latest project, which is taking our play "OCTOBER 7" on a tour of elite American universities. We really need your help to make this tour happen, and tell the truth about what happened to Israel on October 7.

We interviewed Megan Basham about her new book "Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth For a Leftist Agenda". We had a fascinating discussion with her about how Evangelical churches have been infiltrated by Leftists and Leftist ideas. It’s shocking, and you need to listen.

And we bring you what abortion providers say to each other when they think no one is listening. Learn about the “clump of cells” lie. We’re breaking down an academic paper that’s a jaw-dropping look at the cognitive dissonance required to work in abortion.

Donate to OCTOBER 7 - The Play:

Or write checks to:

578 Washington Boulevard #802

Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Get Megan Basham’s book Shepherds for Sale here:

Read Ann’s Substack “Part 2: What They Don’t Want You To Know About Abortion:

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The Ann & Phelim Scoop
Telling the stories that the media ignores! A podcast hosted by Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer, the conservative filmmakers behind the Gosnell movie, Fracknation, The Harvey Weinstein Trial: Unfiltered, and FBI Lovebirds.
Tune in for our daily podcast, The Daily Virus which gives you the updates the media ignores on COVID-19. On Wednesdays we release the Ann & Phelim Scoop (also available on YouTube) with guests like Dennis Prager, Eric Metaxas, Mollie Hemingway, and more!
Project of the Unreported Story Society 501c(3).