Besides inventing road bowling, James Joyce, Robert Boyle, and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, which Americans identify as a day to get drunk and act stupidly, what is it you guys do again?

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

The gvt distorted Ireland, that no longer resembles the Irish people that have nutured/defended/saved it, is a Cold, Cruel & Small place in the world. Ireland and the true Irish spirit will rise and rid the land, like St Patrick, of the evil that has invaded it. Strength is inherent and cannot be crushed. The Irish will show the world how it is done.

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Ireland is probably the most psychotic internally conflicted and violent country outside the Middle East. Disgusting anti-Semitic crap hole where people don’t know what to do with their drunken rages besides kill each other or champion other killers. But they’ve made a tragic mistake: Their hatred’s and backwardness have resulted in their opening their country to Islam where Muslims are approaching the critical mass necessary to destroy their country. The Irish will soon be on the business end of the only group on the planet which is more self and other destructive than themselves.

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This is very messed up! Sláinte!

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Wish I knew where I found this

“It was never about Palestinians, or Muslims. Far more Muslims have been killed by Assad, by Saddam, in Pakistan and Yemen and China, than have in Israel. And I — like all the Leftists and Muslims in Western streets protesting against Israel — could not care less. They are just an instrument to sanitize our antisemitism with.”

— Amir Pars, “Confessions of a Former Antisemite”

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My “favourite” Irish story is how De Valera, then leader of Eire / the Free State / the Republic of Ireland, senti a telegram of condolences to the German people on the death of their Führer, Adolf Hitler. Plus ça change . . .

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I’m a Jewish American named for an Irish poet. I’ve always imagined Ireland to be a magical place but now I hesitate. Thank you for sharing your experiences in this article even though it was depressing. I love to read your writings as much as I love listening to your podcast!

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Also, my people wanted to be independent for so long, but now surely accept Palestinian rule on some level, with the flag flying over various places in the country, but particularly over city hall. Strange

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1 small group of ppl that have been persecuted for their beliefs persecuting another small group of ppl for their beliefs. The irony is thick.

Perhaps this article cuts through to the reality.


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