"Gosnell" should be required reading (as in you have to pass a test on it) to all lawmakers at every level. Late term abortion is infanticide and should be required to be referred to as such.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Ann Mcelhinney

It is worth recalling the experience of ordinary people to induction into murderous practices during the time of Hitler's Germany. Those whose job it was to execute the feeble-minded, the disabled and the Jews were kept drunk and distracted as they were so disturbed by the experience of being an actual killer and throwing bodies into pits or burning stacks of them in incinerators.

What process has been invented which enables our contemporaries to slaughter humans this century?

A clue may lie in Genesis, the event of the murder of Abel by Cain in the absence of any defensible motive.

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Aug 16Liked by Ann Mcelhinney

The inhumanity that these abortionists have acquired is overwhelming. They have become like machines or animals. God have mercy on their souls.

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